Bodwell EnviroAcoustics
Project Experience
Meet R.S. Bodwell
Acoustics Info
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Welcome to Bodwell EnviroAcoustics



Bodwell EnviroAcoustics has the experience to advance environmental planning and management with an emphasis on sound and its relationship to the environment. Acoustics is a major and very noticeable part of our natural and man-made surroundings both night and day.  A focus on Environmental Acoustics is very beneficial to a community or ecosystem and can enhance the operation of industrial and other facilities.

Bodwell EnviroAcoustics is widely recognized for its unsurpassed knowledge and capabilities in sound level testing of utility-scale wind energy projects and other industrial sources.  The main focus of these Acoustic Studies is accurate and reliable measurement and prediction of environmental sound utilizing state-of-the-art instrumentation and analysis techniques. 

Founder R. Scott Bodwell has over 25 years of experience in environmental consulting and has been a Professional Engineer in Maine since 1994.  He has conducted acoustic studies of wind projects in Maine since inception of the Mars Hill Wind Farm in 2002.  With extensive measurements and observations of wind turbine sounds, he has advanced both sound modeling and testing protocols in Maine.  His direct testimony was heavily relied upon by the Maine DEP to develop changes to wind turbine noise regulation.

BEA has extended its expertise and quality services to measurement and analysis of underwater sound including ambient conditions along the Maine coast and measurement of marine construction activity.

The following provides more information concerning the services BEA offers and describes recent projects that will give you a sense of the depth and breadth of our experience. Here's a partial client list.


R. Scott Bodwell
Scott is one of the premier environmental acoustics experts in New England. Read more
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