Case Study / Feature Project
Operations Sound Testing
Stetson II Wind Project
T8 R4 NBPP, Washington County, Maine
- Stetson II Wind is under jurisdiction of “LURC” who oversees land use regulation in unorganized territories of Maine. By Maine law “Expedited Permitting of Grid-Scale Wind Energy Development,” Stetson II must comply with the Maine DEP noise standard.
- Stetson II is the first wind energy project where LURC applied the Maine DEP noise regulation (Maine DEP Chapter 375.10) in lieu of the LURC noise standard (LURC Chapter 10.F.1).
- In consultation with LURC and DEP staff, Bodwell EnviroAcoustics LLC developed a Sound Testing Protocol for Stetson II Wind. Each step of the way, Mr. Bodwell engaged Warren Brown of EnRad Consulting, acoustical consultant to Maine DEP and LURC.
This Protocol establishes criteria for sound level testing of Stetson II wind turbine operations including acoustic instrumentation, use of meteorological stations, site and weather conditions, and measurement
reports for sound level and met data.
Further, in consultation with Warren Brown, Bodwell EnviroAcoustics developed Protocol Details & Calculation Methods to provide in-depth procedures and sample calculations for dBA assessment of short duration repetitive and tonal sounds as set forth in Maine DEP Chapter 375.10.
- On September 14, 2010, LURC and EnRad Consulting issued approval of the Stetson II Sound Testing Protocol and the Protocol Details & Calculation Methods.
- The approved Protocol and Details were instrumental for successfully defending a recent appeal of the Rollins Wind Project to the Maine Board of Environmental Protection.
Mr. Bodwell has also provided technical guidance to legal counsel and other consultants in appeals for Oakfield Wind and Record Hill Wind and appeared before the Board of Environmental Protection in
successfully denying appeals on Rollins Wind and Record Hill Wind.
Comprehensive reviews, analysis and supporting information prepared by Mr. Bodwell have also been key evidence in winning appeals against wind energy projects at levels as high as the Maine Supreme Court.