Rollins Wind, Penobscot County, Maine. Operations test protocol and advanced sound testing of wind turbine operations for Maine DEP compliance; measurement and analysis of tonal and impulse sounds. Prepared response to Appeal petitions; testimony at Maine Board of Environmental Protection Appeal hearing; and supported financial due diligence.
- Stetson II Wind, Washington County, Maine. Developed as-built sound model, operations test protocol and calculation details and advanced sound testing of wind turbine operations; compliance evaluation and analysis of tonal and impulse sounds.
- Bull Hill Wind, Hancock County, Maine. Sound level prediction of construction and operation of wind energy facility. Sound level assessment report; direct testimony at state environmental review hearings; presentations and information sessions with local planning committee.
- Oakfield Wind, Aroostook County, Maine. Sound level prediction of construction and operation of Maine’s largest proposed wind energy facility. Sound level assessment report; presentation and participation in local planning committee; worked closely with turbine manufacturers to develop Noise-Reduced Operating plans.
- Maine BEP Rulemaking. Analysis and summary of wind turbine sound prediction and testing in Maine. Calculation of annualized sound level for comparison with WHO night noise guidelines.
- Bingham Wind, Somerset County, Maine. Sound level prediction model and calculations; public information sessions with local towns.
- Front Street Shipyard, Belfast, Maine. Underwater sound testing and formal report of pile driving to evaluate compliance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit requirements. Worked closely with the National Fisheries Marine Service to develop and implement the underwater sound testing program.
- Longfellow Wind, Oxford County, Maine. Sound level prediction modeling. Review local planning documents and proposed ordinances; provide testimony at public hearings.
- Independence Wind/Record Hill Wind, Oxford County, Maine. Prepare formal response to permit Appeal and provide testimony at Maine Board of Environmental Protection appeal public hearing.
- Spectra Energy/Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, Eliot and Westbrook, Maine. Prepared FERC resource reports and conducted operations testing at new compressor stations for interstate natural gas pipeline.
Safari Sand & Gravel Oxford, Maine. Sound assessment of proposed gravel extraction and rock crushing operation.
- Downeast LNG, Washington County, Maine. Sound assessment of proposed liquefied natural gas terminal and pipeline. Collaborated with other consultants to develop underwater sound level assessment for construction and operation of terminal port facility.
Here is a partial list of our clients.