Bodwell EnviroAcoustics Services
Environmental Acoustics / Sound Level Assessments
Prior to construction of new or expanded developments, primary services involve (1) measurement of ambient sound environments at noise sensitive areas, (2) characterization of equipment associated with operation and construction of industrial facilities; (3) creation of sound level prediction models, typically with three-dimensional surfaces; and (4) preparation of Sound Level Assessment reports to support environmental permitting.
During construction, BEA measures sound levels associated with heavy equipment such as pile driving and rock drilling, including horizontal directional drilling. Once a project is built and operating, BEA measures sound levels from facility operations to evaluate compliance with permits and applicable federal, state and local standards. In addition, this work has involved peer and due diligence reviews, responses to formal project appeals, presentations to state and local review boards, sworn testimony at public hearings, and seminars on Environmental Acoustics.
Underwater Acoustics and Testing
BEA has advanced its capabilities to provide evaluation and testing of underwater sound. These assessments are becoming more prevalent in evaluating potential impacts of marine construction and operations on migratory and marine species.
BEA collaborates with regulatory agencies such as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the National Marine Fisheries Service to develop and implement the underwater sound assessments and testing programs. Most recently, BEA conducted underwater testing during construction of the Front Street Shipyard in Belfast, Maine. This testing program assessed underwater sound levels from pile driving to evaluate compliance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit requirements. |
BEA Founder R. Scott Bodwell also worked closely with marine scientists and biologists to evaluate underwater sound impacts from construction and vessel operations associated with a proposed liquefied natural gas terminal in Eastern Maine. |
Other Environmental Services
Bodwell EnviroAcoustics also has extensive experience involving a full range of professional environmental services. Services range from planning and permitting to environmental management and audits of major industrial, commercial and institutional projects such as:
- Power generating facilities
- Paper and lumber manufacturing
- Bulk oil storage and distribution
- Resource recovery facilities
- Mining and aggregate processing
- Automobile dealerships and marinas
Environmental services cover all phases of a project to ensure compliance with local, state and federal standards. BEA services include:
- Environmental Compliance Programs and Audits – integrated line item tasks, schedules and evaluation of facility compliance with federal and state environmental permits and regulations.
- Solid Waste Management/Residual Utilization – specialized resource recovery, agronomic utilization, and permitting of residual utilization programs, storage facilities and utilization sites
- Environmental Site Assessments and Remediation – identify and evaluate potential contamination of industrial and commercial sites in accordance with federal and state standards.
- Oil and Hazardous Materials Pollution Prevention Plans including Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures plans per 40 CFR 112.
- Stormwater Permits, Pollution Prevention and Management Plans in accordance with state and federal regulations for construction and operation of commercial and industrial development.
BEA founder R. Scott Bodwell has worked closely with biomass power plants and the University of Maine Soil Laboratory to develop agronomic computer models to calculate land application rates for maximum nutrient balance and crop yield.
He pioneered an integrated approach to hazardous materials management and contingency plans that combines the requirements of numerous federal and state regulations for pollution prevention and incident response.
He prepared site designs and stormwater calculations for industrial and commercial developments including preparation of engineering plans for management and treatment of stormwater runoff and sedimentation and erosion control. This information was prepared for submittal of site development and stormwater permit applications to federal, state and local agencies.